Lawsuit Cash Advance: A Non-Recourse Alternative to a Lawsuit Loan in Los Angeles
or call 1-800-495-2274 (CASH)
Lawsuits are exhausting. They have the capacity to cause just about anyone to feel overwhelmed, exasperated, and stressed out. And that’s not even considering the financial aspect of things. Plaintiffs are often left strapped for cash while they wait for their case to be settled. Fortunately, there’s a fairly simple way to get access to money to meet your needs.
You can pay your bills while you wait for a settlement from the court with a lawsuit cash advance from Cash For Lawsuits. A lawsuit cash advance provides an alternative to a lawsuit loan for Los Angeles plaintiffs who are waiting for a settlement from a case that is still in progress. Individuals who are victims of medical negligence, vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, and other cases that may warrant a settlement under California Law can apply for this pre-settlement funding option.
At Cash For Lawsuits, we serve the entire Los Angeles metro area, including Pasadena, Beverly Hills, Malibu, Santa Clarita, Santa Monica, Long Beach, and beyond. If you are interested in obtaining a lawsuit cash advance, please contact us today.
Lawsuit Cash Advance Vs. Lawsuit Loan
Pre-settlement funding helps cover the financial obligations of individual affected by a serious personal injury or accident while their case is in progress. There are two main types of pre-settlement funding – lawsuit loans and lawsuit cash advances. However, they are distinctly different. A cash advance is not a lawsuit loan. Los Angeles plaintiffs can pursue either option to get money while awaiting the outcome of their case. However, a lawsuit cash advance is often an easier and safer proposition.
With a lawsuit cash advance, the plaintiff pays back the money if they recover damages from their lawsuit. If the case is lost, or no settlement is offered, you’re under no obligation to pay.
In contrast, lawsuit loans are expensive and can weigh heavily on your shoulders. With these loans, interest rates can be exorbitant. They can run as high as 27% to 67% per year. And with a lawsuit loan, you’re required to pay even if you lose the case. Furthermore, not all cases will even qualify for a lawsuit loan in the first place.

Why a Lawsuit Cash Advance Is the Superior Choice
Here are a few reasons why a lawsuit cash advance is a superior alternative to a lawsuit loan for Los Angeles plaintiffs:
You do not need a perfect credit score.
When applying to get a cash advance, your credit score and asset listings do not matter. The only thing that matters is the general strength of your claim. Your employment history, financial background, and credit are not used as qualifiers for a lawsuit cash advance.
You do not make a payment until your case is settled.
With a lawsuit loan, you have to make monthly payments to your lender while your case is ongoing. This is not required for a lawsuit cash advance. Instead, plaintiffs pay back funds after their case has been settled. Even then, this is only true if the verdict lies in their favor and they have been given a settlement.
There’s less risk involved.
Lawsuit loans carry a high risk for Los Angeles plaintiffs because the financial repercussions can be quite serious. Some trials can last for years. With a lawsuit loan, plaintiffs have to pay interest during the entire duration of time up until the point where their case is settled. For this reason, a lawsuit loan can cost more than the amount that was borrowed. Lawsuit cash advances, on the other hand, hold no interest fees.
Cash is funded quickly.
With a lawsuit cash advance, you can get the funds you require on time. The time frame involved for receiving funds is usually between 24-48 hours after processing.
Why Choose Us?
To get a lawsuit cash advance, contact Cash For Lawsuits. With our experience, getting your lawsuit cash advance will be so easy you won’t have to bother looking into a lawsuit loan. San Diego residents with personal injury claims can get lawsuit cash advances as quickly as 24-48 hours.
At Cash For Lawsuits, we have your best interest in mind. We want you to feel confident about your decision. We strive to help our clients make educated choices by providing guidance and resources when we can. We will work closely with your attorney to evaluate your case and help you get access to the funds you need. When you work with us, you’re in good hands.

Apply for a Lawsuit Cash Advance Today
Life is full of unexpected changes. When hard times hit, you need support in order to get by and live comfortably. Let Cash For Lawsuits help ease your financial burden while you recuperate. You do not need a lawsuit loan in Los Angeles if you need funds while waiting for a case to be settled. Avoid the issues that come with taking a lawsuit loan and apply for a lawsuit cash advance today.
or call 1-800-495-2274 (CASH)