Lawsuit Cash Advance: An Alternative Option to a Lawsuit Loan for Dallas Plaintiffs
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If you’re a resident of the Dallas-Fort Worth area and are currently pursuing a lawsuit claim related to medical malpractice, workplace injury, or a vehicle accident under Texas law, Cash For Lawsuits may be able to help. While a case is pending, many plaintiffs find that they still need to cover expenses before receiving funds from their settlement. However, many times an injury makes it impossible to return to work. A lawsuit loan may appeal to Dallas-area plaintiffs in such situations, but this course of action can actually increase one’s financial burden during an already difficult time. A non-recourse lawsuit cash advance presents a more financially viable alternative for accessing the funds you need prior to the outcome of your settlement.
Lawsuit settlements can take anywhere from months to years to resolve. During that time, plaintiffs are faced with the emotional and financial burden of supporting themselves–regardless of their ability to work–in addition to legal proceedings and fees.
Cash For Lawsuits offers clients the ability to access funds needed to support themselves through their pending lawsuit, without having to subject themselves to the hassle or embarrassment of obtaining a lawsuit loan through a Dallas financial lender . We are able to accomplish this by offering non-recourse lawsuit cash advances for qualifying clients in the Dallas area, including neighboring cities such as Denton, Colin, Rockwell, Tarrant, and Kaufman.
Lawsuit Cash Advances: The Preferred Alternative to Lawsuit Loans
While a non-recourse lawsuit cash advance and a lawsuit loan each allow Dallas plaintiffs to access much needed funds, there are fundamental differences between these two methods of pre-settlement funding. Because of these slight variations, non-recourse lawsuit cash advances are often a better option for most individuals.
Lawsuit loans have similar stipulations to a regular loan. A person submits to a credit check, which can be a complicated and lengthy process. Then, if they’re approved, they’ll be required to make regular payments on their loan, with added interest–regardless of whether or not they win their case. This can put someone in a financial bind if they do not receive their anticipated damages, leaving them with no way to repay their loan and adding to their mounting debts.

A non-recourse lawsuit cash advance, on the other hand, provides a stark contrast to a lawsuit loan. Dallas-based plaintiffs do not need to undergo a credit check in order to obtain a lawsuit cash advance. Additionally, because these are non-recourse cash advances, a client is not required to pay back the amount of their cash advance unless they receive damages from their lawsuit settlement and win their case–unlike lawsuit loans, which can be a financial drain without any real benefit.
How to Obtain a Lawsuit Cash Advance
When seeking a non-recourse lawsuit cash advance from Cash For Lawsuits, there is a simple 3 step process that clients must undergo, as opposed to the tedious and time-consuming process of obtaining a lawsuit loan. Our Dallas clients will need to first contact us and apply for the cash advance, whether online or by phone. In the past, our clients (especially those filing for personal injury lawsuits) have received their cash advance in as little as 24-48 hours. Our process is quicker because we do not require credit checks.
Upon receiving your application, our team works with your attorney to obtain the court case documents we need to assess your case. If approved, we will notify you of the sum of your lawsuit cash advance and move onto underwriting.
During the underwriting phase, we draft an agreement between you and Cash For Lawsuits, which you and your attorney then sign. Generally, once all parties have signed the agreement, funds are released and sent to you within 24 hours.
With our non-recourse lawsuit cash advances, you can avoid the debt of a lawsuit loan while awaiting the Dallas courts’ decision on your settlement damages.

Contact Our Office and Find Out More Today
After suffering from an auto accident, a workplace injury, or medical malpractice, you shouldn’t have to worry about covering your costs while awaiting the outcome of your settlement. Contact Cash For Lawsuits today to learn more about how you can avoid going into debt by opting for a lawsuit cash advance instead of a lawsuit loan for your Dallas legal settlement financing.
or call 1-800-495-2274 (CASH)